Monday, August 2, 2010

Fun with Technology

Technology plays a big part in our everyday lives and has a great impact on our children in Preschool. As teachers we have acknowldeged that technology includes exploring different areas such as structural technology, food technology and Information & Communications technology (ICT), All of which we try to explore with the children through their play. These play expereinces can be seen through the amazing block structures, regular baking experiences and the much loved new computer software and proscope discoveries.

Our ICT journey has been an area of particular interest to everyone as teachers alongside the children have been introduced to new technologies and developed greater knowledge and understanding together.

The children show great delight in exploring various technological devices such as the digital camera, computers, proscope, photocopier and laminator. Each of these has been introduced to the children and used to support the learning experiences taking place, whilst allowing them to develop their own ideas surrounding the device itself.

Thanks to Joann the children were introduced to yet another amazing technological discovery, a videa camera. The compact usb camera is perfect size for the children to hold, and with its simple one button start/ stop function, easy for them to use.

After a little self exploration the children soon worked out how the camera functioned, developed a understanding of the image seen on the screen and what was in front of them, and were soon on their way introducing us to some of the people and things within our room.
Check out some of our children's first film efforts in the video below.

We hope to continue using this camera with and alongside the children to further document some of the great experiences that take place each day. We will endevour to further extend children's knowledge surrounding these much loved devices and explore its many functions and possibilities.

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